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Top Recent Blog Posts of the Week 7/14/2012

Posted by Joshua Claycamp on

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This is a list of recent blog posts which I found interesting. That I found them interesting doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with or endorse all of the ideas presented in the posts, but that I found them to be intriguing and thought-provoking. They may benefit you as you prayerfully consider your area of shepherding and stewardship, which has been given to you in trust by the Lord. (They are listed in no particular order of interest.) Please post your comments to discuss  any article that strikes your interest. If you have recent blog posts to nominate, please send the link and your reasons for nominating that post to .

Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away

This recent blog post tells us that the government will soon be able to employ a laser that can detect all manner of molecules and particles on your clothing, sense your heart rate, determine your adrenaline level, and even detect what you ate for breakfast. Cool. And wickedly invasive... Mark of the beast, anyone?

A youth group’s Bible-reading project

I challenge our Youth Group to do what this group did in this recent blog post!

I was driving down Main Street and saw a tent pitched outside of a residence that was next to the downtown business district.  A bunch of teenagers were milling about.  There was a podium, and it looked like someone was reading from it.  A sign said, “I ate them.com.”

The Absent Minded Husband

I can appreciate this recent blog post, as I have often been absent minded. The author correctly identifies the source of absent minded-ness: individuals who engage in a tremendous amount of mental activity often forget minor details. Ladies, if your husband is involved in a ton of technical work that requires a lot of mental exertion, then read this article and strive to be a blessing to him!

Some Proven Weapons in the Fight for Holiness

Having promises at hand that suit the temptation of the hour is one key to successful warfare against sin. But there are times when we don’t have a perfectly suited word from God in our minds. And there is no time to look through the Bible for a tailor-made promise.

So we all need to have a small arsenal of general promises ready to use whenever fear or craving threaten to lead us astray.

Mind Mapping a financial strategy for stewarding the Father’s money

Part of a Christian’s calling is to take care of the Father’s money. It is one of the many privileges the He gives to His children. Though the world is all His, as well as everything in it, He entrusts us with the stewardship of His world.

The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. – Psalm 24:1-2 (ESV)

Part of our stewardship involves money. The money we have is a gift from the Father, to be used for His glory.

Some Things We Can Learn From Suffering

I pray that these thoughts will encourage you as the reality is you are coming out of suffering, you are suffering, or you will soon suffer.  May we suffer well to the glory of God!

Requiem for a Nixon Man

This recent blog post espouses the loyalty of Chuck Colson to Richard Nixon. I loved it for its clear presentation of what was right with Colson's loyalty and what was wrong with it. Loyalty is a quickly fading virtue, about ready to be dumped on the pile of ugly vices. But the Scriptures still honor loyalty as a virtue. And every good cause needs leaders who are loyal to it and loyal to one another. May we have loyalty in our friendships, but may we first have loyalty and love for the Lord Jesus Christ above all else.

11 Reasons Why Working with Kids is not Second Rate Ministry

This is a great blog post. I'm preparing my heart to be passionately engaged in ministering to the children in our church for the next two weeks. Following this, I will be taking a gang of teenagers to Teen Camp during the last week of August. I don't look at my time with the kids as second rate ministry or unimportant. I treasure my opportunity and consider it a privilege to minister to younger students just as much as (and sometimes more than) my ministry to adults. Children and teenagers will be leading our church in ten years. Are we preparing them to take the torch of the Gospel into the distant future?

But more than this, do we serve them simply because they are our equals as we all stand before God? Because we ought to!! We should treat them as brothers and sisters, our peers and equals before the God of all eternity.

Sadly, children’s ministry in the local church can often be seen as second rate ministry, not much more than crowd control and waiting out the clock... Truth be told, I’ve thought all these things at one time or another over the years. Only now that my wife and I have kids of our own have I realized the crucial role that children’s ministry plays in the lives of the kids it serves, their families, and the church."

I pray that this recent blog post would begin to challenge the false yet prevailing notion with Bridge Baptist Church that children's ministry is second rate. I am asking God to begin inspiring a new generation of children's workers and teachers, and I am treasuring every golden moment I have with these kids this summer.

Dads and Moms, shepherd that which God has entrusted to you. And take responsibility even for those kids whom God has granted to be ministered to by your church. They also are your responsibility!


Tags: recent blog post, top blog post, blog posts, government lasers, children's ministry, loyalty, suffering, finances, financial stewardship, holiness, absent mindedness, bible reading

