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Tenet Talks

Tenet Talks, our study for adults of the basic tenets and doctrines of the Christian faith, help us to comprehend the subtle nuances and sweeping truths of our God and the theology, ministry, and history He has authored. Meeting every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for one hour, Tenet Talks run on multiple tracks and are open to all of Kamloops. Download our Tenet Talks brochure to learn more about our Tenet Talks which explore the rich history, deep theology, and intellectually stimulating ideas of Christianity.

Click here to download our Tenet Talks Brochure!

 Be sure to register BELOW and reserve your spot as space is limited!

'18/'19 Season of Tenet Talks starts April 8, 2018

We're excited to offer a number of opportunities for you to grow deeper in your discipleship and walk with God, and most importantly, to establish a deeper fellowship and friendship where we can discuss together as a church how to live out these ideals within the community of Kamloops. Here is what's coming in April!

Fear of Man

The purpose of this Tenet Talk is not to give disciples the tools for a boosted self-esteem. Rather we are going to begin exploring what the fear of man looks like in our lives and in our culture, what we have been called to (fearing God and loving others), how we have lost this focus, and how we can begin to reestablish the fear of God in our lives and regain a right perspective about ourselves and others. During this Tenet Talk we will explore the various ways we most often tend to be controlled by fear of man. Only as we begin to categorize our struggles in this area, are we able to see the paths that biblical living must travel.

Old Testament 1

The beginning of 52 weeks of going through the whole Bible.  This class is designed for you to be blessed even if you get just a few weeks here and there, but it is also designed so that the whole is of greater blessing than its parts. Just as the whole Bible hangs together as a single narrative, these classes all fit together. The entire Old Testament could be summarized in a simple phrase, “promises made.”  We learn of our need for God’s promises through the Old Testament. In the Old Testament we discover that we are all sinners who have wronged a holy God, unable to save ourselves.  But we also learn of our promise-making God, who in his mercy promises us what we could never achieve ourselves.  Similarly, as we’ll see later, the message of the New Testament is “promises kept.”  Particularly in Jesus Christ. May we be instructed and refreshed.

Church History

To be a Christian is to be a part of history. And to grow as a Christian is to be a student of history. Christianity isn't a religion of abstraction or of speculative philosophies. It's a religion of historical fact. Church History is, among other things, a remembering of how God worked out His purposes in definite events that took place in time and space. Church History also helps us to better understand some eternal truths (the existence of God, his attributes, and Trinitarian nature, etc.) but is focused on the historical events of Jesus' incarnation, death and resurrection. Therefore, the Christian is personally involved with history.

Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

What does it mean to be a man?  What does it mean to be a woman?  In one sense, the answers to these questions are simple.  We could all probably give a very basic, biology-driven answer and be done with it.  In fact, once upon a time, almost everyone in most societies could have rattled off not only the biological answer, but also a host of “typical” (we might even say “stereotypical”) characteristics, roles, expectations and norms that were commonly associated with each particular sex.  As Christians, it’s our task to answer the questions, “What does it mean to be a man?” and “What does it mean to be a woman?” in the same way we answer the rest of life’s central questions.  We look to God’s Word.


Suffering is a challenge—and it is a challenge to faith.  But it is also an opportunity for faith—and, in fact, suffering in this life is your last opportunity to please God through faith.  The Bible very self-consciously never provides an explanation for all suffering.  Instead, when Scripture grapples with suffering it issues a profound call to faith. But this faith is not a blind faith that trusts simply to trust, but a faith grounded in the evidence of God’s working in this world.  And it is faith that is the goal of this class. In that sense, this class is preparation for suffering.

Apologetics & Worldview

Is the world basically good or basically bad?  Should we as Christians rejoice in, engage with, and work to improve a world that has the potential for great good, or should we abandon, condemn, and separate ourselves from a world permeated with sin and corruption?  Should we curse the darkness or praise the few candles around us?  How does our citizenship in heaven affect our life on earth?  Is it our obligation to abandon a sinking ship or do we try to demonstrate God’s love by patching the hull?  What does it mean to be a Christian in an un-Christian world?  What is the relationship between Christ and culture?

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